Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Semiotics Theory: Denotation & Connotation

What does Connotation & Denotation mean?

Connotation is when you can have an imaginative association, either positive or negative, surrounding a word or image. Whereas, denotation, is more strict and precise to the definition or scene. I have took some images as a part of my artefact and will use one to further explain and show how connotation and denotation works within image and words.Before I explain through image, I will show an example of a word. The denotation of the word 'Lion', quoted from an online dictionary, 

'-a large tawny-coloured cat that lives in prides, found in Africa and NW India.'

This is the strict definition or said differently, a more precised description. However, if I was to personally connote this, I would use more words that would associate with the animal such as; Braveness, Courage and Dignity.

Connoting & Detonating an Image
Photographed by me

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